Thursday, June 09, 2005


its fucking
3 am
and im sweating
burning up
i should turn on the
but i can have
$84.65 bill
i drink to much
Delirum Tremens
La Fin du Monde
they are expensive
and i wont even
get into
my Anime

here in this bed
always the same

the problem is
i dont think
its the

Malboro Blend No.27's

What’s the point?
It’s just another
Instant message
From across the globe
It just hurts me
Each time.

There I said it.
You’re a
A name
Tattooed on my
But this is
With-out blood.

At times you made this
Feel alive

Today I thought
About your hands
Small, soft,
Yet unrefined.
Nails like a little girl
And how they
Touched me
Caressed me
Held me
Made me feel
Because of who I was.

But that changed
I became
Not good enough
For you
I didn’t have
Enough money
Wasn’t fit enough
I didn’t mind miami

Do you know
How many
Better girls
Desired your
Place on my heart
I can name three

But it’s ok
Still me
An evil bastard
Confused as ever
I sill only cause
Pain to them
I always was the best.
For them.

And your not
Neither am I
And neither are they
We’re all just
Looking to be loved
On our terms

This is still
Plastic death land
We’re all fake
Waxed, tanned, toned, implanted
And no one cares
It all tastes the same
Welcome to the land of Pinocchio
“There are no strings on me”
Just golden strands on my heart
At least I didn’t go buy cigarettes.

**Angles: if you remember have no soul hence no humanity and our existiance on this plane to them would be temporary so if they kill us they are doing us a favor. removing us from pain. in other words its BS. Angles can be evil and pain can cause creation and beauty.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Alone at night? (beta)

I see it every night
The clock on the VCR
Glowing orange
Thinking again
Feeling odd
Cant sleep
I remember
Che’s eyes
How many times have I seen them?
Looking at me
Like a mirror
I see it
Passion for change,

I can feel it again
It’s been so long
The ether is flowing again
My mind races
Thinking of the moon
Its craters
It’s light
It’s power
It’s magic
The ether flowing
Through me again

Why does my hearty race tonight
Can’t I be at peace?
Why can’t I take that Journey
Why can’t I ride that SV-650
To New Orleans
New York
Away from everything that’s bothering me
Just ride
To Argentina
Go back to Palermo
Where I feel at home
Feel the cold rain hit my face
On the open road
Feel someone’s arms around me
Have my aunt kiss me hello
Have family again
This ether flows again
And I can’t follow
Why can’t I have my life
Returned to me
Why can’t I be loved
Why must I feel this ether
I am in tuned with the earth
And not go anywhere

Cause I’m stopping myself?
Cause I don’t want to go?

Here is where I need to change the world
Here is where the ether flows to me
Yet here is where I find no rest
I the wicked
All I’ve done is hurt
I’ve hurt my loved ones
My friends
I’ve even you,
With my words, insecurities, passions
Not love

But I’ve never hurt you Che
Even though
You’re dead
Like me
You’re alive and free
Cause you
You took that journey
Followed the ether
To history
Where your eyes burn into history
And here I stay
For the next day
Maybe ill run
Never come back
Maybe ill change the world
Be my guide.
Be my Virgil through this hell.
(june 2k4)